Driving License Expired Grace Period

Well, TSA says that all you need is that your driver's license be compliant with Real-ID standards, so depending on what your state did when it originally issued it to you it may still work. Though, on another part of their website they brag about catching people with expired passports and licenses. Technically you don't need ID in order to get through, you do however have to be able to prove to them who you are to their satisfaction. Many States will issue driver's license type ID's. If you don't show them valid proof, expect to spend quite a while discussing who you are and why you don't have appropriate ID. They can, and will, prevent you from flying if they are not fully satisfied.

Expired Drivers Liscense - Air Travel. Just go to your nearest Driver's license center with your expired. Caught driving without a valid license in. TSA and expired drivers licenses. Will let you board a flight without ID or expired ID but you have to fully. TSA said you can fly up toa year but not driving.

It will make no difference to them how close to departure you are. To make things easy, get yourself an approved photo ID. The TSA always check the expiration date when I present my license at the checkpoint. Chances are they will subject you to secondary screening and still allow you on the flight, but why take chances? From their website, they mention 'expiration date' as one of the things the approved ID must have.

'Effective June 21, 2008, adult passengers (18 and over) are required to show a U.S. Federal or state-issued photo ID that contains the following: name, date of birth, gender, expiration date and a tamper-resistant feature in order to be allowed to go through the checkpoint and onto their flight. You never know with TSA.

They have been reported to accept a Costco card in place of a normal ID. You could end up with a document checker that is either not paying attention or uses common sense and just waives you through with the expired ID. You could also end up with one that wants to make the big terrorist catch and subjects you to a secondary, which should not take more than a few minutes. It is up to you to decide if you prefer the hassle of taking the classes to reinstate your license or risk a run in with a power-tripping TSO. If you don't drive, your state probably offers a non-license ID.

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