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Arms Of AmericaArms Of America

I was wondering if anybody could provide some information on this gun. It is 12 bore, M/F double triggers, 28' barrels. I was wondering what the quality and value of this gun might be, as well as aproximate age.

I beileve the the gun is a model 221. Any information would be greatly appreciated. The gun is in about 90% condition. Thanks for any input.

The 2005 Blue Book has the Gentry/York as the American Arms Inc. Models with a double trigger.

There is Exel Arms of America, Inc. Imported Lamber, Ugartechea and Laurona shotguns.

Lambers were O/Us. Laurona made boxlocks and sidelocks. Ugartechea also made boxlocks and sidelocks. I could not find any model 221. Is the gun a boxlock or sidelock?

Does it have extractors or ejectors? What kind of finish? Look on the barrels for a letter and number proof mark date code, ie A2 is 1981 Spanish Date code. Bangla Typing Tutor Pdf To Excel there. _________________ Jason NRA Life NSCA Life + Level 1 Instructor ATA Annual.

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