Ce Freza Mi Se Potriveste Programme there. Spring Cache Custom Key Generator on this page. Baumuller servo motor. Baumuller is one of the competent solution provider for automation. Baumuller DS&DA - General purpose servo motors. Baumuller motor baumuller dc drive; News; Price; Manual; Ask; Distributor; Home Quotes servo motor Baumuller. Share to: Baumuller DS 71-M25. Manual number: DS.
Three-phase synchronous motors 100 - 160 >U >LMotor with UL approvalcULMotor with cUL approvalMains voltage / Motor voltage5400V / 360V XSpecial voltageNominal speede.g. 15 = 1500 min -1 Cooling methodRradially mounted external fanUunventilated TSuitable for pipe mounting WWater coolingType of protection23IP 23 54IP 54Length: K, M, L, BFrame size100.200Brakewithout brakeGwith brakeVersionFoot mountingFFlange mountingFFFoot֖ flange mountingMotor typeDSThree-phase synchronous motor Technical alterations reserved 403/03Three-phase synchronous motors DS100 160Baumּller Nrnberg GmbH. Three-phase synchronous motors 100 - 160 SINCOS SRS/SRM 50 (Stegmann) SRS 50 / SRM 50 Number of sine, cosine periods per revolution1024 Number of increments per revolution32768 Number of absolute resolved revolutions14096 Code type for the absolute valueBinary Output frequency of sine, cosine signals (kHz)0. 200 Error limits when evaluating 1024 signals, integral non-linearity(arc seconds)+/- 45 Non-linearity within a sine, cosine period; differential non-linearity (arc seconds)+/- 7 Working speed up to which the absolute position can beformed (1/min)6000 Maximum operating speed (1/min)12000. 100BFB 46162145 132BFB 06213163 160BFB 36545189 Filter towards N-endView to D-end Dimension when fan at the top in [mm]MotorframesizeFan typeABCDE >Dimension when fan at the top in [mm]MotorframesizeFan typeFGHJ 100BFB 1174 132BFB 8205 Filter towards N-endView to D-end With frame size 100 filter towards non-drive end 160BFB 58213 >Filter towards N-endView to D-endDimension when fan at the top in [mm]MotorframesizeFan typeKLMN 160BFB 0256 When silencer on the non-drive end, it must be supported by the customer..
Baumuller accompanies you throughout the lifecycle of your machines and. Documentation Motors. DS 100-160 AC synchronous motors 2006.04 DS 100-160. UL Baumuller AC servo motor,Manual, Datasheet. Acopos 1045 con Servo Baumuller. How to Connect a Servo Motor Controller and Jog the Servo Motor.
Three-phase synchronous motors 100 - 160 >The motor cables are highly flexible trailing cables with overall shielding.They comply with the regulations VDE, UL and CSA.The brake is controlled via the brake connection (terminal box, brake), the thermal sensor is connected via the main connection. The cables are particularly suitable for the optimum use of cable racks thanks to their low cross-section, low weight and non-impeding surface.They can thus be efficiently used in trailing chains.The overall shielding with an optical coverage of more than 85% makes it an EMC uncritical cable.
General Technical. Three-phase synchronous motors 100 - 160 >2 can be laid up to 100 m without additional filters, when larger cross-sections used, cable lengths up to 40 m are permissible.The terminal voltage at the motor must be The cables can be operated within a temperature range from 20ְC to +80C. >The cables must not touch the motor surface. >12 times outer cable diameter.Smaller bending radii are possible with reduced service life. Technical alterations reserved Three-phase synchronous.
SpeedMotor type Stand-still torque Stand-still current max. Stand- still torque max. Stand- still currentNom. Power 1) Nom. Torque 1) Nom. Current 1) 1) 1) n N M O -1 M >O I O M O,max M >O,max I O,max P N P >N M N M >N I N min Nm lbf ft >A Nm lbf ft >A kW hp >Nm lbf ft >A 3000 DSD045S64U30-5 2.5 1.84 1.60 11 >2) 8 7.6 0.63 0.8 2.0 1.5 1.40 DSD045M64U30-5 4.0 2.95 2.40 18 >2) 13 12.0 0.94 1.3 3.0 2.2 2.0 DSD045L64U30-5 5.2 3.84 3.10 25 18 16.2 1.22 1.6 3.9 2.9 2.50 4500 DSD045S64U45-5 2.5 1.84 2.25 11 >2) 8 11.0 0.89 1.2 1.9 1.4 1.95 DSD045M64U45-5 4.0 2.95 3.45 18 >2) 13 17.0. The motors are optionally equipped with a holding brake.
The brake uses the normally-on principle, i.e. The brake engages with the operating voltage is switched off or fails. The brakes are supplied for a switching voltage of 24 VDC 10%.The motors are available with the following holding brakes: Motor type DSD 45 DSD 56 DSD 71 DSD 100 minimum holding torque 6 15 35 80 max. Friction work per braking operation [J] 1000 2000 5000 15000 Connection values ( 10% smoothed) 24 V = 19 W 24 V = 22 W 24 V = 35 W 24 V = 52 W Inertia [kgcm >2 ] 0.3 0.8 3.5 8.6 Maximum speed [min >-1 ] 6000 6000 6000. Three-phase synchronous motors DSD 45-100.540V >Resolver Pole pair number 1 Ratio 0.5 Frequency 5 kHz Nominal input voltage 4 V Active input power for no-load operation 112 mW Current consumption for no-load operation 40 mA Max. Output voltage for no-load operation 2 V eff Voltage constant - Rotor resistance 44 10% Stator resistance 28 10% Rotor impedance for no-load operation 70 + j 74 15% Rotor impedance at short-circuit 62 + j 66 15% Stator impedance for no-load operation with min. Coupling 108 + j 206 15% Stator impedance at short-circuit and maximum coupling 97 + j 183 15% Phase shift 8.