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Hot melt system Benchmark 200 Series, Hot Melt Technologies (HMT®) simplifies your decision-making process. Affordable Hot Melt entry system. Benchmark has raised the. Benchmark AHB2 Power Amplifier. By: Benchmark. Detailed specifications and performance plots are available in the downloadable manual. Download Free Email Marketing Manuals & Guides from Benchmark Email. Benchmark: Helping your enterprise thrive with email marketing. (800) 430-4095.

Benchmark Manuals

• • • • • • • • The Quietest, Cleanest Audio Amplifier on the Planet From the first watt to the last watt, no audio power amplifier offers lower noise or lower distortion than the Benchmark AHB2. Benchmark has raised the bar by introducing a new and revolutionary amplifier! Aunsoft Video Converter Torrents here. -Bascom King, BHK Labs - Hans Wetzel, SoundStage! - John Atkinson, Stereophile True High-Resolution Performance The AHB2 is the ideal match to the performance limits of High-Resolution-Audio (HRA) formats.

Benchmark's AHB2 power amplifier delivers musical details without introducing the masking effects of amplifier noise and distortion. The dynamic range of the AHB2 is 132 dB, making it 10 to 30 dB quieter than some of the very best reference-quality power amplifiers. The frequency response of the AHB2 extends beyond 200 kHz. With the AHB2, you will discover previously overlooked nuances, dynamics, and detail in your favorite recordings and experience the full potential of the latest high-resolution 24-bit PCM and 1-bit DSD audio formats. Experience the Emotion The musical details and emotion captured on today's finest High-Resolution-Audio recordings can only be fully appreciated when every component in the signal chain is capable of true high-resolution performance. Power amplifiers are a weak link in most audio systems. Most power amplifiers are well matched to the limitations of the CD format, but they fall well short of the capabilities of high-resolution formats.

In contrast, the revolutionary AHB2 was specifically designed to deliver true high-resolution performance. FULFILLING THE NEED FOR BETTER AMPLIFICATION D/A conversion technology has outpaced the development of new power amplifiers. This means that the power amplifier has become a limiting factor in many audio systems. For example, the noise and distortion produced by the Benchmark D/A converter is 20 to 30 dB lower than that produced by most high-quality power amplifiers.

Until now, this meant that the could not be fully appreciated. Benchmark set out to solve this problem by creating an amplifier that matches the performance of the. A RADICALLY DIFFERENT POWER AMPLIFIER We had to look beyond existing amplifier technologies and explore some new and solutions. In our search, we learned of two new patents on a new amplifier technology from THX. This was exactly the technology we needed to build our new amplifier. The AHB2 uses the new and revolutionary THX-patented AAA ™ technology to virtually eliminate all forms of distortion.

This technology uses feed-forward error correction to eliminate the distortion that is normally produced by the output stage. No other audio amplifier comes close to delivering the clean, quiet, and robust power of the AHB2. Difficult Speaker Loads are Handled With Ease Many loudspeakers have frequencies at which their impedance drops to levels that are much lower than the 'nominal' impedance. The AHB2 drives difficult phase angles and low impedances with ease.

Stereo loads as low as 1.4 Ohms can be cleanly driven to full output levels. Most power amplifiers produce higher levels of distortion when the load impedance decreases. In contrast, the feed-forward error correction system in the AHB2 keeps the output clean when driving difficult loads. The AHB2 produces almost no measurable distortion at any rated load condition.

Spectra Plus Sc Keygen Software more. In our quest to build the ultimate amplifier, we also focused on frequency response, output noise, drive current, damping factor, and reliability. The result is an amplifier that stands head and shoulders above the competition. • The AHB2 has been internationally recognized for its groundbreaking technology, performance, and transparent sound.

[powr-photo-gallery id=382569008900]. • Sonic Purity that Surpasses Class A! The AHB2 is a linear amplifier that surpasses the sonic purity of all class-A amplifiers. No amplifier delivers lower noise or lower distortion. The small, passively cooled chassis, cleanly delivers 480 Watts bridged mono into 6 Ohms, with additional reserves for driving difficult speaker loads.

Unlike power-hungry class-A amplifiers, the AHB2 achieves a power efficiency that rivals that of a Class D (switching) power amplifier. Difficult Speaker Loads are Handled With Ease Many loudspeakers have frequencies at which their impedance drops to levels that are much lower than the 'nominal' impedance. The AHB2 drives difficult phase angles and low impedances with ease. Stereo loads as low as 1.4 Ohms can be cleanly driven to full output levels.

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