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What is CodeSmith Generator? CodeSmith Generator is a software development tool to help you get your job done faster. Technically speaking it is a template driven source code generator that automates the creation of common application source code for any language (C#, Java, VB, PHP, ASP.NET, SQL, etc.). CodeSmith Generator includes many useful templates as well as entire sets of templates for generating proven architectures. You can easily modify any templates or write your own to generate your code exactly the way you want it.
CodeSmith Generator's syntax is almost identical to ASP.NET. So if you are familiar with ASP.NET then you should be able to quickly learn the template syntax. You can use the C#, VB.NET or JScript.NET languages in your templates and your templates can output any ASCII-based (text based) language. What can CodeSmith Generator do for you?
CodeSmith Generator can help you produce higher-quality, more consistent code in less time and enables software developers to efficiently: • Reduce repetitive coding. • Generate your code in less time with fewer bugs. • Produce consistent code that adheres to your standards. • Create your own custom templates for any language. New Features Added a new SQLAnywhereSchemaProvider (Contrib Steven Hyde).
Added Gang of Four Design Pattern templates (Contrib Martin Hart Turner). Added support for json serialization of schema objects (E.G., TableSchema) for custom property types. The PLINQO-EF templates now have beta support for MySQL and SQL Anywhere and EF6 (there is a flag to turn EF6 generation on in the templates). Bug Fixes Fixed a bug where project file default properties were not applied in some scenarios. Fixed a bug where the protected keyword wasn't specified in the CSharpKeywordEscape mapping file. Singles Happy End Rarest. Fixed a bug where map directives with a relative source path may not be resolved properly.
Fixed a bug where the CodeTemplate State property was not being properly set when generating from a project file. Fixed a bug where xml properties wouldn't be created on the CodeTemplate instance if a schema file path was not specified. Fixed a bug where the PostgreSQLSchemaProvider could return duplicate view columns. Various updates to the PLINQO and CSLA Frameworks. Many more minor bug fixes. Usability Enhancements Many usability improvements and bug fixes were made to improve the editor, docking and property grid experiences.