This is really getting ridiculous! I'm a lvl 4, trying to get glitters in the 1 far there are over 10 bots in the 1 maps.don't suggest to level up and go into 2,3 n 4 maps when for example, i was in 2/4 and a level 30, yes 30 sunk me.and i couldn't even cross over into 1/4 cuz he was shooting me. Newbie protection. I've never had it. When are you going to deal with this irritating problem?
Seafight Bot Glitter No Limit. Seafight Bot 1.41 - September 5 2012 - No expired license.
I know i'm going to be told, bp doesn't care, sink em, or level up.but i'm not the only one who's suffering.those itty bitty baby boats can't even get 1 glitter! Focus T25 Download Reddit App. 1 more the developers play the game? If they did (as a little boat) they would experience this crap 1st hand. I'll probably will get the standard no answer from bp, as we are waiting for a response from whomever took Wiggins place in another thread. If you had a bp boat you would see what i see.(pulling hair out). They should have left it as 1-4 maps are no shoot for all levels and make is as above level 10 they cannot pick up shineys or chest thus giving new players a chance to get thier ships a bit stronger, you have ships that are staying below level 15 to be able to go into the sun raid map sinking out little players who do not have the ability to fight back.