How To Install Maplestory On Macbook Pro

I recently received a MacBook as a birthday present and I. MapleStory + VMware Fusion. For my experiences all you need to do is download and install the. Playing MS on a MacBook Air? But make sure you allocate enough space to install Maplestory. I have macbook pro and it heats up quite a bit so be careful.

Best Answer: Ok, obviously people have told you you can't play a PC game on your Mac, however by running Windows Vista on your Mac, you can then play your PC game, I am going to tell you a very short easy way to do this, go to this youtube link, this is to the home page of a person called george who well give you a very long list of procedures on how to install Windows Vista as a guest on your computer, hence being able to use Mac and Vista at the same time. Once you understand 'The Way of the George' go to this link which pretty much makes the link on the top useless, but b/c im too lazy to erase its just going to stay there:D. FOLLOW HIS INSTRUCTIONS, they are very simple, but time consuming BUT FREE, this is like a 300$ value for free, wow i sound like an advertiser, but im not. Once your done with this video just go to the second part of his video tutorial, and continue to follow his procedures, youl be playin your PC games in no time XD. I hope i helped!! For the best answers, search on this site I've bought a MacBook and the bigger problem with it is that most games do not run. If you were not planning on playing games I would for sure advise you one.

It's good and you get used to it really fast. Once you get to like it you will not want to go back to windows anymore. But about the game, the thing is that it doesn't run. But there are always ways to do it. There's a program called Crossover, which has a Crossover 'Games' version. It plays lots of windows games in mac in a wide range of smoothly to 'opens but has so many bugs it's not playable.'

Sadly I had a friend ask me the same thing a few days ago, and I went to their website to check, and currently it seems like no one has got it to work, or at least has not said it does. The website currently says 'known not to work.' There are other ways of getting the game to work though. If you want you can get your HD divided and install windows in a partition of it. That way you can choose between windows and mac once you turn your laptop on and you can have maple on the windows and your works on the mac. The good thing is that windows viruses do not catch on mac so your risks are almost none of getting your university work infected.

Another thing which is also possible, if you do not want to turn your computer off when you wish to play, is buying a program called Parallel structure. I've bought this one as well and it is great. You get the same HD division but then with this program you can open your windows as a program inside your mac OS. The thing is that it's not recommended to play games because it divides your ram and stuff between the windows and the mac. But if you really want a tip I would tell you to quit maple before you go to university. The time you loose on those is precious and once you get addicted you will probably prefer it over your school work. I'm currently on IB and I constantly have problem balancing my MMO time with my school work. Mio Moov M400 Map Update Download.

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