Here is a list of commands everyone on the server can use. Please do not abuse your privilege and treat others the way you want to be treated. The parameters needed for each command can be seen by typing the command without any parameter. There will be an usage message to aid you how to use the command.
Custom Monster Summon System: We aware that the eAthena default monster summoning command may be abused if anyone can use it. Thus we created an item that will summon a monster with restrictions: • Everytime you login, you will have a minimum of 30 Bloody Branches. • These branches are programmed to allow you to summon any monster you want. Just double click the branch and enter the ID of the monster you would like to summon in the input box.
• For a list of monster ID you may use @mi to search for the mob info and it will tell you the monster's ID. Or you may use the to find out a monster's ID. • You can summon a maximum of 30 monsters, after that it will not let you summon anymore until you lower the number of monster you summoned.
Dead monsters will be subtracted from the total. American Pageant 14th Edition Ch 25s. • To get rid of all monsters you've summoned, use a branch and input 1. • To get more branches if you have less than 30 of them, use a branch and input 2. • If you do not have any branch left and would like to get more, simply type @item 20000 to obtain the amount you want. In other words, the item ID of the branch is 20000. • Upon logging off, all your summoned monsters will be killed. Graphix Advantage Composer. • If you discover any errors with this item, please let us know by contacting us in our.
Information Commands: • @commands - Displays a list of @ commands available to the player. • @help/@h/@help2/@h2 - Displays list of commands and usage messages. • @ii/@iteminfo [Item ID Part of item name] - Show Item infomation (item ID, type, price, etc). • @idsearch - Find an itemID based on item name. • @whodrops [Item ID Part of item name] - Show who drops an item (mobs with highest drop rate). Datacard Id Works Serial Podcast. • @mi/@mobinfo/@monsterinfo [Mob ID Part of monster name] - Show Monster infomation (mob ID, rates, stats, drops, etc). • @mobsearch [Mob ID Monster Name] - Locates and displays the position of a certain mob on the current map.