Do you want to know who are the most evil serial killers ever? Nicknamed ‘The Tool Box Killers’ are two American serial killers who together murdered five. Most Serial Killers are Black. Grace Potter And The Nocturnals 2010 Rapidshare Movies on this page. They use all kinds of tricks. James Clayton. And quite a few commenters, to my gratification.
Source: THERE IS AN OLD canard that serial killers are always White and that Blacks are never serial killers. This myth has been so powerful that some criminal investigations (for example, about the murders of from 1992 to 2003) have been hindered by the presumption that the perpetrator, since he is a serial killer, must be White. In fact, as this chart reveals, Negroes have always been overrepresented in serial murder as in other violent crimes — just not as much. Until 1980 the total number of serial killers classified as White exceeded the total number of serial killers identified as Black in each decade, but that is no longer the case. For three decades now statistics have shown more Black than White serial killers. Since the statistical shift happens to coincide with the invention of DNA profiling in 1984, it seems entirely likely that improved detection, rather than a sudden change in Negro behavior, is the main reason why so many more Black serial killers are now appearing in statistics.
Quite A Box Of Tricks: Overview Latest release 1.8i (Nov 2014) Quite A Box Of Tricks is a plug-in for Adobe’s Acrobat from Quite Software, for Macintosh (including.
* * * Source. That link from the LA Times leads to a really astounding article by Mike Males, a hardcore leftist who “worked in the civil rights movement” in the 1960s “culminating in arrest and release for blocking the Santa Monica Freeway” during a protest. (On one of the “statistics” pages he uses — he runs it himself, by the way — he deplores, and claims that “research” reveals, “the appalling racism, xenophobia, homophobia, anti-environment, anti-science, reactionary tribal politics rampant among the elderly and many middle-aged Americans.”) His thesis in the article is: “Diverse” areas are safer for Whites than majority-White areas. At a quick glance: Males provides zero links to actual data, just generic links to the front pages of statistical Web sites he presumably used. Males juggles his figures by conflating drug overdose deaths with murders — taking out the overdose deaths, the stats would tell a far different story, I predict. But I can’t test my prediction, because Males has hidden his data; I wonder why. Naturally Whites who die from drug overdoses are going to be dying mostly at home, in mostly White areas (often “fly over” areas neglected by America’s elites, where the general despair and malaise of the hated and unwanted Whites gets more intense by the day).