Swarm robotics ppt • 1. MAHAVEERINSTITUTEOFSCIENCE&TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT OF AN AUTONOMOUS MICRO ROBOT FOR SWARM ROBOTICS Presented by K.Harshit reddy M.Raju M.Maheswara reddy M.Rajender MD.Ankoos M.Shwetha • Objective The objective of our project is to build a small robot whose behavior can be traced from swarm intelligence. The robot is either controlled by a master control robot or can be able to take its own simple self-decisions automatically. This robot is also interfaced with a zigbee module that connects it to its master control unit, and can perform actions according to the command issued by master control unit.
Swarming (military) - Wikipedia. Military swarming is a battlefield tactic designed to overwhelm or saturate the defenses of the principal target or objective. A beginner PowerPoint presentation free to download. On swarm robotics. Swarm Robotics Studies @ KOVAN Research Lab - Swarm Robotics.
• CONTENTS Introduction Swarm Robotics Block Diagram Hardware Components Categories In Swarm Advantages Applications Output • INTRODUCTION The project is designed to build a small robot whose behavior can be traced from swarm intelligence. Swarm Robotics is an approach to the coordination of multi robot systems which consist of group of micro robots. These micro robots communicate with each other to perform a specific task. The robot is either controlled by a master control robot or can be able to take its own simple self-decisions automatically. • LPC 2148 IR SENSORS ZIGBEE LCD L293D (DRIVER IC) MOTOR 2 MOTOR 1 Swarm Robotics Block Diagram • Block diagram description A microcontroller which is interfaced with an array of IR sensors, these IR sensors are fixed on the robot in such a way that they can sense any object present near its surroundings. The output of IR sensors is fed to the microcontroller that is programmed to take self decisions over changing the direction of the robot movement.
The position control of the robot is achieved by DC motors and their drivers. This robot is also interfaced with a zigbee module that connects it to its master control unit, and can perform actions according to • Behavior of Swarm robotics • HARDWARE COMPONENTS LPC2148 Micro Controller Zigbee IR Sensors L293D IC Motors LCD • Power Supply Transformer Transformers convert AC electricity from one voltage to another with little loss of power. Transformers work only with AC and this is one of the reasons why mains electricity is AC. Vbg Unfallanzeige Formular Pdf To Jpg.
Bridge rectifier A bridge rectifier can be made using four individual diodes, but it is also available in special packages containing the four diodes required. It is called a full-wave rectifier because it uses the entire AC wave (both positive and negative sections). • Capacitor A capacitor is a two terminal passive electronic component consisting of a pair of conductors separated by a dielectric. The capacitor blocks DC current and allows AC current. Regulator Voltage regulator ICs are available with fixed (typically 5, 12 and 15V) or variable output voltages. • LPC2148 Micro Controller Pin Diagram • Features of LPC2148 It has 2 ports,each port consist of 32 pins total 64 pins. LPC2148 is the widely used IC from ARM-7 family.