DR EMOTO'S WATER CRYSTALS July 5th IF WATER COVERS THE LARGEST PORTION OF OUR PLANET AND COMPRISES THE LARGEST PERCENTAGE OF OUR PHYSICAL BODIES, WHAT IF WE COULD DIRECTLY AFFECT WATER? Since the movie 'What The Bleep Do We Know' Masaru Emoto and his water crystal photos have gone from relative obscurity to best seller. The Japanese researcher is currently touring the world explaining his photographic documentation of water crystals, and was keynote speaker at the United Nation's Headquarters in New York in May last year. His two most recent books The True Power of Water and The Hidden Messages in Water made it to The New York Times Best Sellers list and he has another about to be released, The Secret Life of Water. Dr Emoto freezes droplets of water from various sources around the world and then examined under a dark field microscope with high-speed photographic capabilities. Aion 3 5 0 12 Full Client Record. A Volte Ritornano Pdf To Word here. Pristine mountain streams and springs create beautifully-formed geometric designs in their crystalline patterns.Polluted and toxic water from industrial and populated areas, as well as stagnated water from water pipes and storage dams show definitively distorted and randomly formed crystalline structures. Install Html2pdf Linux. Not all water samples crystallize however.