Practical uses for the C4D’s Polygon Reduction Tool. Polygon Reduction Tool Techniques here. Securecrt Portable Crack Detection more. Cinema 4d low poly cinema 4d. Animated Texture Library. Aug 04, 2014 Hi Everybody today I’ll show you How to use the the Polygon Reduction Tool in Cinema 4d Show More Subscribe to newsletter and stay up to date with.

Red Eye Reduction Tool

MAXON UK’s Matt Umney offers a look into using Cinema 4D R19’s new Polygon Reduction tool. Polygon Reduction has been in previous C4D versions, but it has been overhauled for this. One major change is that the Polygon Reduction tool is now a generator instead of a deformer. Now it can be found under the Modeling Scene Helper Objects. As a generator, it is easier to quickly increase and decrease the strength of the reduction on the model.

The new system can preserve both UVs and vertex maps, including selection tags as well. “For someone who deal’s in 3D scanning, this little object is a thing of beauty,” says Matt.

“In just a few clicks I can lower the polygon count astronomically and still retain the general shape and texture. This is going to make the manipulation of 3D scanned objects or heavy CAD data so much easier.” Learn more about here.

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Hi, I have a model that has a great many polygons because of a number of reasons including the fact that I used Booles and other deformers.bottom line.I need to reduce the number so that I can animate the model without slowing the computer down to a crawl. Ft Toolbar Rapidshare Free on this page. Can this be done using the melt tool? I remember seeing in a post that one of the members first built high poly models and then would go in and reduce the number of polys.I thought he said that he did it with the melt tool?

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