We are a School. We currently have AutoCAD 2004 with 20 licenses deployed via a licensing server. We are experiencing issues when users run AutoCAD, they get a Fatal Error warning and other issues also occur, which means it takes an age for them to get into the software. We know that AutoCAD 2004 isnt supported / recommended on Windows 7, but it works, with these issues however. Now, we're getting fed up of this and want to have a smooth working system. We are unable however to verify whether it's the incompatibility with Windows 7 that is causing the issues or there are other issues, so we want to test it as it would be deployed to make sure that purchasing AutoCAD 2013 would actually correct the issue. Otherwise, we'd stick with AutoCAD 2004.

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Software wise - it does everything needed. The price is the price I was given by the tutor that runs the course involving AutoCAD, I haven't verified this yet. I believe we get educational pricing. It's a pretty sure bet that a network license installation of AutoCAD 2013 can be _made_ to work on your setup.

(Presuming that it's a pure Windows networking setup and non-complex, it will be pretty straightforward -- if Novell is involved - expect more issues. Similarly DFS has reportedly had problems with Adesk products.) Unix and SAMBA back ends are probably going to be solvable issues. Other apps running on the network for management or disk imaging may increase the number of issues to solve. It's highly unlikely that such an effort would fail - especially if/when you get an educational VAR involved. However, the fundamental problem is most probably mixing Win7 with Acad 2004. Have you tried enabling WinXP mode on your Win7 installations, and tested the usability of that situation with a network license?

As a zero-cost endeveaour, it's probably worth at least trying that first. If the functionality of Acad 2004 is all that's required (no bleeding edge technology) - you may be happily suprised at the cost and availability of alternatives. Draftsight for example is free to install and use for any prupose, and with a modest ecpenditure for licensing and support, you can utilize a network license with that applicaiton. Similary Bricssys and Graebert offer functional CAD _Drafting_ packages that while not free are certainly more affordable than an AutoCAD 2013 upgrade from 2004. None of the alternatives are going to teach your students how to stay on the leading edge of CAD technology - you'll need Autodesk products for that - but if that's not your mission, simpler solutions can be viable.

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